- 2012年(国際学会)
- Masaki Hiratsuka, Ryo Ohmura, Amadeu K. Sum, Kenji Yasuoka, "Vibrational Spectra of Amyl-Alcohol Molecules in Clathrate Hydrates from Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation", The Seventh General Meeting of ACCMS-VO, Sendai, Japan, 23-25, Nov., 2012 (23, Nov., 2012).
- Atsushi Kawai, Kenji Yasuoka, Kazuyuki Yoshikawa, Tetsu Narumi, "Distributed-Shared CUDA: Virtualization of Large-Scale GPU Systems for Programmability and Reliability", The Fourth International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications, FUTURE CONPUTING 2012, Nice, France, 22-27, Nov., 2012 (24, Nov., 2012).
- Suh Donguk, Gaku Machida, Kenji Yasuoka, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Homogeneous Nucleation of Methanol", 3rd International Forum on Heat Transfer, Nagasaki, Japan, 13-15, Nov., 2012 (13, Nov., 2012).
- Minoru Oikawa, Atsushi Kawai, Kentaro Nomura, Kazuyuki Yoshikawa, Kenji Yasuoka, Tetsu Narumi, "DS-CUDA: a Middleware to Use Many GPUs in the Cloud Environment", SC12, Salt Lake City, US, 10-16, Nov., 2012 (16, Nov., 2012).
- Taizo Shibuya, Kenji Yasuoka, Susanne Mirbt, Biplab Sanyal, "Hybrid functional DFT study of Polarons due to Oxygen Vacancy formation on (110) TiO2 Surface", ASIAN-15, Taipei, Taiwan, 05-07, Nov., 2012 (05, Nov., 2012).
- Suh Donguk, Kenji Yasuoka, "Heterogeneous Nucleation of Nanoscale Seed Particles by Molecular Dynamics", 9th Iberoamerican Conference on Phase Equilibria and Fluid Properties for Process Design, Puerto Baras, Chile, 08-12, Oct., 2012 (08, Oct., 2012).
- Eiji Yamamoto, Takuma Akimoto, Yoshinori Hirano, Kenji Yasuoka, Masato Yasui, "Dynamics of Water Molecules around a Lipid Bilayer", International Workshop MSSMBS'12, Moscow, Russia, 09-12, Sep., 2012 (10, Sep., 2012).
- Masaki Hiratsuka, Ryo Ohmura, Amadeu K. Sum, Kenji Yasuoka, "Molecular motions of guest molecules in clathrate hydrates: ab initio molecular dynamics simulation", International Workshop MSSMBS'12, Dubuna, Russia, 09-12, Sep., 2012 (10, Sep., 2012).
- Masaki Hiratsuka, Ryo Ohmura, Amadeu K. Sum, Kenji Yasuoka, "Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations with Grimme vdW correction for clathrate hydrates consisting of alcohol and fluorocarbon molecules", 4th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 26-30, Aug., 2012 (28, Aug., 2012).
- Nobuyoshi Yamato, Iori Yonekawa, Kenji Yasuoka, Yuichi Masubuchi, "Connection of atomistic and coarse-grained molecular simulation of polymer melts based on the Rouse parameter", The XVIth International Congress on Rheology, Lisbon, Portugal, 05-10, Aug., 2012 (07, Aug., 2012).
- Toshihiro Kaneko, Takuma Akimoto, Kenji Yasuoka, Ayori Mitsutake, Xiao Cheng Zeng, "Size-Dependent Phase Transitions in TIP4P Water Clusters Investigated by Multicanonical-Ensemble Molecular Dynamics Simulations", Energy Landscapes, Obergurgl, Austria, 16-21, Jul., 2012 (17, Jul., 2012).
- Masaki Hiratsuka, Ryo Ohmura, Amadeu K. Sum, Kenji Yasuoka, "Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Molecular Vibrations and Motions of Guest Molecules in Clathrate Hydrates", Tellluride Workshop on the Microscopic of Gas Hydrate, Telluride, USA, 09-12, Jul., 2012 (12, Jul., 2012).
- Suh, D. and Yasuoka, K., "Kinetic Analysis on Nanoparticle Condensation by Molecular Dynamics", ASME 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, Puerto Rico, US, 08-12, Jul., 2012.
- Taizo Shibuya, Kenji Yasuoka, Susanne Mirbt, Biplab Sanyal, "Oxygen vacancy formation on (110) TiO2 surface - a first principles study", Frontiers in Electronic Materials: Correlation Effects and Memristive Phenomena (Nature Conference), Aachen, Germany, 17-20, Jun., 2012 (19, Jun., 2012).
- Taizo Shibuya, Kenji Yasuoka, Susanne Mirbt, Biplab Sanyal, "Hybrid functional DFT study of oxygen vacancy on (110) TiO2 surface", Psi-k Research Conference on Computational Oxide Spintronics, Cheshire, UK, 07-10, May., 2012 (07, May., 2012).
- Suh Donguk, Kenji Yasuoka, "Heterogeneous Nucleation Analysis on a Cubic Seed by Molecular Dynamics", 15th Research Workshop: Nucleation Theory and Applications, Dubuna, Russia, 14-22, Apr., 2012 (17, Apr., 2012).
- Takuma Akimoto, Toshihiro Kaneko, and Kenji Yasuoka, "Energy landscape network in a water cluster", the 5th Discussion Meeting on Glass Transition, Miyagi, Japan, 27-01, Feb., 2012 (28, Feb., 2012).
- Eiji Yamamoto, Takuma Akimoto, Yoshinori Hirano, Kenji Yasuoka, Masato Yasui, "A Possible Mechanism on Pressure Reversal of General Anesthesia in Membrane", Biophysical Society 56th annual meeting, San Diego, California, 25-29, Feb., 2012 (26, Feb., 2012).
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