Yasuoka Laboratory



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講師Prof. Xiao Cheng Zeng (Ameritas University Professor, Willa Cather Ameritas Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
題目Computer-Aided Nanoscience Research: Nanoice, Nanoclusters, and Superhydrophobicity
天候不順によりProf. Zengが来日できなくなったため、本セミナーは中止になりました
日時2013年2月27日(水) 16:00〜17:00
概要In this talk I shall report several research findings from my group over the past few years, including: (1) New phases of low-dimensional nano-ice and ice clathrate, and helical ice. (2) Superhydrophobic phenomena at the nanoscale, e.g. Lotus effect at nanoscale. (3) Growth pattern of small-sized gold clusters and nanocatalysis. In these studies, tools of computational chemistry, including classical molecular dynamics and ab initio molecular dynamics simulations are employed.
